1Portal 2
A must buy, must play experience that will keep you smiling for up to a week later.
2Deux Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution's overall experience is quite simply an A+.
3Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 is genuinely scary, filled to the brim with content, and has tight gameplay mechanics.
4Dirt 3
Codemasters took Dirt 2, a nigh perfect rally-based racing simulator, and made it better.
5The Witcher 2
One of the best RPGs out there, The Witcher 2 brings great graphics to the engaging story and world.
6FIFA 12
FIFA 12 is a worthy successor to FIFA 10, with realistic graphics and gameplay, and more.
7Dead Island 2
Surprisingly good, Dead Island 2 combines the best of zombie apocalypse games.
8Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
SSFIV:AE is currently the best looking, most complete and nuanced fighting game for the PC today.
If video games were art, then Limbo would be in the Louvre. Limbo is fun, scary and engrossing.
10Crysis 2
One of the best looking FPS games this year, Crysis 2 also has a solid plot and mechanics.
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