Many wondered why Sony didn’t join the quad-core bandwagon during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Although the line up they unveiled is great, the smartphones seems stuck in the dual-core era. Apparently, there is a reason for this. According to Stephen Sneeden, Sony Mobile’s product marketing manager, they don’t feel that quad-core performance matches battery efficiency at the moment. Here is an excerpt of the interview:
“We’re going to join quad-core when we feel that the performance matches the battery efficiency,” he said. “Because right now we don’t feel that is there. What we are going to be doing in the second half of the year is moving to the Cortex A15 architecture, which we feel outperforms the current quad-core architecture.”
“You’ll see in 2013, as we’re evaluating the quad-core performance where it makes sense, where you’re not suffering in quality and the performance truly is there, and there really is something that demanding applications need,” he continued.” That’s when we make the right move to quad-core.”
I for one think that there is still no need for quad core processors and battery life is also to be highly regarded. But it is a bold move not to match the offerings of competitors in terms of processing prowess especially now that it seems like smartphone is regarded as the faster the better. We’ll see if this strategy of Sony works when their new phones become available to consumers.
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