The much-awaited Nokia Asha 303 has been launched in India, priced at Rs. 8,999. Vodafone customers will get special introductory tariff plans, with 1GB of free 3G data per month for the first four months. Asha 303 will also come with a subscription to the DRM-free Nokia Music Unlimited service, and feature Zenga TV, and Whatsapp, preinstalled, amongst other apps.
The Series 40-based Nokia Asha 303 is a Touch and Type device, featuring a 2.6-inch capacitive touchscreen with a 320x240 pixel resolution and 256K colour gamut, apart from a full QWERTY keypad. Other specifications include a 1GHz processor, 128MB of RAM, 256MB ROM, 100MB user available built-in storage expandable up to 32GB via microSD, and a 3.2MP fixed focus camera.
In terms of connectivity, the Nokia Asha 303 features 3G (HSDPA 10.2 Mbps, HSUPA 2 Mbps), Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP and EDR, stereo FM with RDS, microUSB v2.0 HS, and USB On-the-Go support. It features a 1,300 mAh battery, which is rated to deliver up to 47 hours of continuous music playback, 8 hours of talk time, and 720 hours of standby time.
The Nokia Asha 303 weighs in at just 99 grams, is 13.9mm thick, and will be available in red and graphite colours. Speaking at the launch, Viral Oza, Director Marketing, Nokia India said:
“Nokia has been bringing smart innovation on mobile devices to newer price points, feeding the vast appetite for digital consumption for consumers who are young, urban, hyper-social and want the smartest phones at affordable prices. The Nokia Asha 303, loaded with Nokia Browser, Webapps, preinstalled Zenga TV, Whatsapp and Angry Birds Lite, stands very strong as an affordable smartphone.”
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